
The Display section allows you to set up the color depth of the connection, ranging from 16bit to 32bit. It also lets you adjust the resolution of the session to fit to the browser window, fit to screen or specify the resolution. You can also change the quality of the image, ideal for low bandwidth scenarios, and whether to let Thinfinity® Workspace adjust the screen when the browser window is resized or not.

Color Depth

Choose the color depth for the remote computer view


Choose from the available list of resolutions including "Fit to browser window" and "Fit to screen", ideal for hiding the browser and working on a full-screen mode

Image Quality

The connection image quality is related to the application's performance (Higher quality = Lower performance).The default Image quality is Optimal because it presents the best cost-benefit between quality and performance cost. If you need to have more quality or better performance, take a look at the other options below:Highest - Works only with PNG images and has no compression (0% compression)Optimal - Combines PNG and JPEG images (20% compression).Good - Works only with JPEG images (40% compression)Faster - Works only with JPEG images (50% compression)

Update session resolution on resize

With this option checked, the profile connection will adapt its resolution if the browser is resized


With this option you can manually add multiple screens with the orientation you want

Last updated